eLocal Program FAQ

  1. Where do eLocal's calls come from?
  2. What are shared leads vs exclusive leads?
  3. What is the difference between a call and a lead?
  4. What if a call or a lead doesn't result in business for me?
  5. What sort of contracts or commitments are required for a program?

eLocal offers something very simple: customers. But the way we make sure we get you high-quality, local customers is complex. While we don't want to get into the nuts and bolts of everything we do to help make your eLocal program a success, we do want to demystify some things that might be on your mind as you begin to think about starting a program with us.

First thing's first: is eLocal legit?

Yes! eLocal has been a lead provider for small, regional, and national businesses since 2007. We've even won awards for our work, including repeat listings on Philadelphia's Soaring 76 list and the Ernest & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for our CEO. We connected 13 million calls and leads last year.

Where do eLocal's calls come from?

All leads and calls that come to you reflect a real customer in your area who has requested service. What we're able to do is find them in places you don't have the time, budget, or the ability to go looking. In addition to our family of brands, we work with trusted partners and utilize all major search engines to generate customer calls and leads for your business.

What are shared leads vs exclusive leads?

We offer our advertisers the option between shared and exclusive leads when they sign up. Shared leadsare by far our most popular choice and leads that will be sent to a maximum of 4 businesses in a given service area. Exclusive leads, on the other hand, will be sent to you and you only. As you might imagine, an exclusive lead does come at a premium as we want to make sure customers are getting the best possible service.

That all being said, if you sign up for phone calls, those are always exclusive. If your business gets phone calls, those will always be sent to you and you alone.

How do you decide whether a call or lead should be sent to me or to one of my competitors?

Across the country, every geographical area and category of business has market pricing based on the competition in that area. When you speak with your eLocal Account Executive, they will set you up with the call price that makes the most sense based on your business needs and the competition in your area. That call price, along with how large of an area your business services and your business hours will help determine the number of calls that come your way. If you have shared leads, then any lead you receive will have been sent to as many as 4 other businesses in the area and it's a matter of contacting the lead first and/or offering the best service for the most competitive estimate.

Calls will always be exclusive so that's a good way to ensure you're the only one we send a customer to. You can also sign up for exclusive leads.

What is the difference between a call and a lead?

Both a call and a lead equate to a customer contacting your business for service. But that doesn't mean they're equal. A call is exactly what it sounds like: a live call from a customer who we have transferred to your business number based on their needs and location. A lead is any non-call form of communication we send you as either an email or an SMS text message.

You can sign up for either of these communications or both, depending on your business's needs.

How am I charged in a pay-for-performance program?

eLocal's program is designed to incentivize us to make sure you succeed. We do this by only charging you when we send you a call or lead. When you set up your program you'll make an initial deposit into your account which will sit untouched unless we send you a call or lead. You can request a credit for anything we've sent that is invalid. And when you get to the end of your deposit we'll notify you to either replenish your account or decide eLocal isn't for you.

You've got a few billing options but no matter what, every dollar we charge can be matched to a real call or lead we've sent you.

What if a call or a lead doesn't result in business for me?

eLocal utilizes a policy of valid vs invalid calls and leads that will allow you to request credits for certain calls and leads that come in. A call or lead that does not result in business for you is not necessarily invalid. If a call or a lead comes from outside your business area or for a service you do not provide, that would be eligible for credits. Calls that are job seekers or wrong numbers are also eligible for a credit. To see the full list of what types of calls or leads you can request credits for, visit this page. <link: help.elocal.com/features/valid-invalid-calls-leads>

Assuming all is going well, how do I increase my calls and leads through eLocal?

There's a few options available to you for increasing your volume of calls and leads. If the customer demand is available (there's no guarantee there is a sufficient population of customers in your area to meet your needs) you can expand the categories of service you'd like to receive calls or leads for, you can expand your service area to reach more customers, you can increase your bid to be more competitive, or you can convert a higher number of leads and calls that come in to boost your close rate.

You can always speak with a Customer Success Representative about the best strategies for your business to secure more business through eLocal.

What sort of contracts or commitments are required for a program?

None! We believe in providing the best possible product which means you can cancel at any time. We understand our program isn't going to be a fit for everyone, so we're not going to lock you into anything.

Don't hesitate to reach out to our team with any and all questions regarding programs with eLocal!